Interchange 1 Construction Inspection Services
New Jersey Turnpike Authority
This project was located at Interchange 1 on the New Jersey Turnpike, at MP 2.2± and
entailed the construction of a new toll plaza to serve as a “gateway” to New Jersey from
the Delaware Memorial Bridge, the State of Delaware, and points south.
KS Engineers, P.C. (KSE) provided construction inspection services for:
- Construction of a temporary four-lane detour road around the proposed toll plaza to
allow construction of the new plaza without impeding traffic.
- Construction of a new two-level, state-of- the-art toll plaza, including a new toll plaza
building (HVAC, MEP, and miscellaneous building trades for complete construction
of the building); E-ZPass lanes, exact change lanes and staffed lanes; and travel
service amenities (including elevators for ADA compliance).
- Complete removal of the existing toll plaza and building.
- Reconstruction of the mainline roadway, as necessary, to return it to its original
functional capacity.
- Placement of the concrete roadway, concrete curbs, pavement markings, signage,
and asphalt placement per plans and specifications, and building of interior items.